Shit I Missed Last Year and This Year’s Honorable Mentions

Shit I Missed:
Faith Healer – Try 😉

Despite being way late to this LP, I still got my money’s worth listening to it in the early winter of 2018. The Edmonton artist, also known as Jessica Jalbert, has been making music in this vein of psychedelic art pop since 2011, but only released the first record under Faith Healer in 2016. Jalbert and collaborator Renny Wilson have developed an arresting sound that flows throughout the cheekily titled Try 😉. The album is effortless in its ingenuity, using compelling techniques from shoegaze, Americana, and indietronica to get the point across.

Faith Healer | buy Try 😉 | website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Soundcloud | Bandcamp

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